
Friday, February 27, 2004

The Passion of Christ 

So tonight I saw the highly overrated movie, The Passion of Christ. I'll admit the movie was well done, but I felt as though I was wasting my time. There was no gut-wrenching plot twist or piss your pants jokes, in fact I knew the ending. It affirmed the new unwritten Jane rule that you shouldn't see popular movies that have subtitles in theaters because all the old people feel the need to double check they're reading the right thing. "Crucify, that's what that says, right?" Also I don't understand the big who-hah about the movie being "anti-semantic" maybe I missed something but hey he had to die sometime, and we can't forget it's a freakin movie! I don't know maybe I'm being sacrilegious by saying this wasn't a very good movie, and I maybe the only one considering, it moved more than 3/4 of the theater to tears, but I thought this movie was a waste of time and money, and you should read the bible if you want the scoop on Jesus.

Soon to come...PICTURES!

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Mardi Gras Wrap-up 

Mardi Gras is secretly a chance for all the drunk and tall people to get rewarded for being the way they are. Now you may think I'm tall, but not tall enough. The tall people like stand right above you and steal your beads, and everyone throws things to drunk girl in hopes that they'll see something. Fools.

Mardi Gras Statistics: In 5 days I went to 11 parades. At Mardi Gras the point is to fight for crap disguised as really cool stuff.
I got 10 roses, 3 garters, 4 spears, 1 baton, 1 headband with bouncy things on it, 2 bags, a pair of underwear, 1 welt and tons and tons of beads. No worries I threw the underwear on the ground. Some creepy lady picked them up and a creepy clown I got but hey whatever floats her boat. And I know, I managed to get a welt by being hit in the head with beads. Classic Jane Moment.
I saw a couple of famous people too. I saw LeAnn Rhymes, Elijah Wood, Merry from Lord of the Rings, Harry Connick Jr. and Nicole Miller. Leann Rhymes was the worst she only threw cups and she barely threw any. Elijah Wood was cool, seemed like he was having fun. I almost caught like a billion beads from Merry from the Lord of the Rings but the 7 foot tall man behind me stole them all. Then he found out I was from Philly and felt bad, yeah good work, feel bad mean guy. Harry Connick Jr. and Nicole Miller were no great shakes, but whatever.
We had mainly good weather except for a rainy Monday and Tuesday. All in all, Mardi Gras is great fun and I've been told I definitely need to come back next year.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

The title says it all 

I know you're jealous. Because it's freaking hot here! Around 12:30 pm I stepped outside to study a little history, I was a little chilly in the shade so I moved out into the sun. Sitting around I was so hot I had to strip. Okay, not really but I took off my sweater quickly, and I wished I was in my bathing suit. It felt like an early June day. It was blindingly sunny and the black roof was burning my legs, but the little gusts of wind balanced it out. I eventually got so hot that I had to come back inside and brag. Since everyone else was in class I thought I should at least tell you. I actually feel kind of dizzy now, and sweaty too, but it's February and that's what matters.

Also, my scheduled Spanish test was rescheduled. The teacher was MIA, I think something happened to her family yesterday, but I can handle a cancelled Spanish test. And Ronnie, the art teacher whose always hassling me in the hallways, I've decided he just wants a buddy. He's started asking me about my school and Mardi Gras when we fumble into each other every 5 seconds in the hallway. Maybe he doesn't need a friend, but is just trying to be nice to me, but maybe he could become my friend. Maybe I could ask Ronnie to get me into an art class during my free. Oh the possibilities.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

A week in Review, 5 days same thing 

When people said that Mardi Gras started on Friday, I didn't think they were serious. That's right, Mardi Gras starts a week and a half before Fat Tuesday. Don't be fooled.

So the family trickled into the fabulous state of Louisiana for a weekend of fine dining, sun shiny walks on the beach, and some quality time with our buddy Ralph.

We had several meals of fried food, sugary food and of course oh la la food. In New Orleans, they love to fry things. Fish, fries, chicken, dough, everything, they seem to think it tastes better that way. I'll admit that's the case for beignets, but that's about it. Not only that, but I think we set some sort of record for the dozens of oysters ordered in a meal. How many? 5 dozen raw oysters in lunch alone. Several more oysters were harmed during this trip. For the first time ever, I had table-side tossed fettachini, tastes the same but still amused me. Helen and Sara had a couple Birthday surprises, one that tastes especially good. Cake, mmm...

The weather was not our friend. Living below sea level is not so much with the helping prevent rain. We had rain for the most of Saturday, and it was chilly the whole weekend. It's supposed to be in the 70's on Thursday. New Orleans has no love for the Horstmann Family. Especially those of them who aren't very good at packing on their own. That's not me though...Definitely not.

Somewhere between Sunday night and Monday morning, the plague struck us. Well in my case, it struck the floor, same thing. Mary, Helen and I got food poisoning. We think... Either that or the night spent at Le Booze, Mango Mango and Daquiri's. I think I threw up all the food I've eaten in the last 14 years of my life. Okay, I'll lay off the details. At least I missed two days of school, and got t spend some quality time watching hours on end of TLC. The learning channel taught me a lot, such as never let 5 of your friends plan your wedding.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

The Battle Continues 

The battle of the blogs is back! The dueling dragons, I mean sisters are duking it out again. This time New Orleans style. Check out the movie I made about Helen and I. Or check out her blog (See links) and tell her how bad it is.

P.S. Who says I'm not taking back my country?

Talent, talent, talent 

I watched two movies yesterday. You might ask how Jane? Well perserverance and very little schoolwork is the key to success. Netflix helps too. I was very successful yesterday. I got yelled at for the 400th time by the art teacher. Well, not so much yelled at, but harassed about my amount of free time. I also ate a lot and felt really sick, but I'm tough. And I watched Gilmore Girls. The 7 o'clock showing didn't throw me off this time around. So yesterday I managed to go to school, take a test, watch two movies, steal some king cake, eat 4 cookies, go out to coffee, watch Gilmore Girls, and do all my homework. You're jealous of my crazy skills.

Guess what? Today's Wednesday, and tomorrow's Thursday, so that means....the next day's my three day weekend! I kind of feel bad because I haven't written to anyone at home, but I don't feel like I have too much to say because I call them or talk to them online. Yeah okay, I'm a bad friend. I'll hop to it.

Monday, February 09, 2004

Shaking her thing, Shaking her thing 

Check out my stud of a sister, Helen on visibility day. Dean Dean Dean... this "marathon" isn't looking up.

The countdown begins! 4 more days until the ruckus begins. Get excited! What kind of Philly food do I want? Decisions, decisions. Make your voice heard, and leave a comment telling me your favorite, traveling philly food. Mmmmm, hungry. Feed me!

This weekend, what did I do? It wasn't nearly as eventful as I don't know, but it wasn't that eventful. Friday, I went to the last away game. Today's the last basketball game. Partae, not that I don't love basketball, but it gets to be a kind of boring spectator sport. Later, we went to get coffee, and I had a frozen cappicino, which was supposedly awesome, but I thought it was pretty grody considering I don't like coffee. Then we saw 'The Perfect Score' which I was kind of funny. But we saw it late and were done at like midnight. Luckily I had a lot of sugar that night, so I was good to go. On Saturday, we went shopping, but I didn't get anything. Later that night we went to coffee(yet again) and then watched About a Boy. Why can't my life be that funny? Instead I amuse myself by being a dork. Oh, but we had Krispy Kremes = heaven. They were so good I ate 7, maybe eight the actual number is unknown. On Sunday I went to a two year olds party. I know what you're thinking, "Jane, how do you get invited to these awesome things? How can I be cool like you?" Don't worry my friends, you may not be as cool, but when I get home we can hang out. Yeah so the party wasn't that bad, it was short-lived with tons of food. Later we went to church, and watched the grammys. I talked to the parents, all three of them, and Helen kept me up late. Bad Puppy. 4 more days...

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Where's the love? Suddenly, I know. 

The family is coming! That's right more than half, almost the whole family is coming to visit me. That's a lot, 5, count 'em 5 family members! Mary, once again I ask you, "where's the love?" Is Dean more important than me? Don't answer that... Go, take back our country. Everyone loves the land of the warm, and everyone loves the land of Jane. Helen just can't enough of me, she's always IMing me during my frees, and taking away from my class time. Crazy Helen!

Netflix = love. Everyone needs a lil something something, and a movie hits the spot. I'm serious this is the best thing to happen to me since... me having no classes. You're jealous.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

'C' is for Cookie 

I love to keep my readers happy, so by high demand I've listed my top seven favorite cookies from Hope's.
1. Chocolate Chip
2. Chocolate Chip
3. Chocolate Chip
4. White Chocolate Macadamia Nut
5. Peanut Butter Milk Chocolate
6. Hope's Royale
7. Oatmeal raisin

Peace, Love and Cookies.

Monday, February 02, 2004

Philadelphia Sports Pride 

This weekend was my tourist weekend. I went to the "Aquarium of the Americas". I know New Orleans is classy not trashy. I pet a shark, and some starfish. It was great fun. We played laser tag. That makes a total of twice for Jane. I wasn't exactly the best, not even close, but hey I was friends with the best player and that's what matters. I went to Bennigan's, the reject T.G.I Fridays and T.G.I.Fridays isn't even that good. Don't go, it's not worth your time or money. We went to a mall, that was midget compared to KOP. I had Popeye's for the first time. Biscuits...mmm.

I also pretended that I was a sports fan. I know shocking, considering I only watch big games, and Philadelphia has to be playing. We went to a Hornets game. The sixers beat them twice in the past 2 weeks. Considering that, the Hornets lost again on Saturday against Miami Heat. It was still fun though. Also the panthers lost, and they deserved it. I've come to the conclusion that Philadelphia didn't really feel like going to the Super Bowl, so they let the Panthers win. Since Philadelphia could take them, of course the patriots beat them. Good work Patriots, keep the south in their place.

Both Sara and Mommy have started blogs. Helen's such a trendsetter. A link to Sara's is the title. I will put up a link to Mommy's once she has posted a second post and proved she knows her password. Good Luck Mom. P.S. This would be the appropriate time to send Jane Philadelphia goodies.

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